is more than a buzzword!
With a rich history dating back to the Alaskan Gold Rush in 1896, Rainier continues to break new ground as an industry leader in the area of environmental stewardship.
In 2007, we developed Rainier's Sustainability Initiative and are working toward going green in all aspects of our company, from how we manage our plant to the manufacturing of products, the shipping and installation of our products and ultimately what happens to our products at the end of their useful life.
In 2008 we launched a formal Environmental Management System and we became certified to conform to ISO 14001:2004 in May of 2009. Today we are proud to be able to say that we are the only retractable awning and screen manufacturer in the United States whose Environmental Management System has been certified to conform to ISO 14001:2015. We strive in our daily operations to use environmentally friendly products that will protect our natural resources, to reduce our energy consumption and to recycle the bulk of our solid waste. Rainier also encourages employees to be more environmentally sensitive away from work and to do their part in reducing our carbon footprint by using alternative methods of transportation for commuting to and from work.

We take pride in providing our customers with products that are produced using sustainable materials. We use wood harvested only from sustainable forests and treat it with non-solvent preservatives. Use of PVC based fabrics are being minimized and our printers use UV cured water-soluble inks. We are continually looking for innovative ways to incorporate eco-friendly materials into our products.
Sustainability is not just another catch phrase; it is an initiative that is part of our mission statement and put into practice every day. The team at Rainier is committed to helping protect and preserve our natural resources for future generations.
Click the links to view our EMS Certificate, Policy, and Manual with Scope.